Tuesday, 22 January 2013


It's a crime!

The dodgy folk are now trying a new variation on the previously mentioned Microsoft Scam.  

They've obviously realised that word has got round that nobody is trusting the "I'm speaking from Windows" speech and now they've replaced it with "I am from Technical support at your Internet Service Provider", they say something along the lines of "we have noticed on our servers that each time you switch your computer on, you are not getting full internet speed and this is because of a virus on your machine. " 

Sunday, 20 January 2013

US Chamber of Commerce


In 2010, it was found that hackers with links to China had performed a complex hacking attack on the US Chamber of Commerce.

Thursday, 17 January 2013

America is losing the cybersecurity war; China hacked every major US company

Gloom and doom is the predicted forecast, but that is in regard to U.S. cybersecurity instead of the weather. Four top government cybersecurity officials have basically come out to say America is getting her hiney kicked in cyberattacks by nation state hackers.

Read more at:

America is losing the cybersecurity war; China hacked every major US company

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Vulnerability Research into CVE2012-1852

I'm currently working on a project for my Msc in Computer Security to investigate CVE2012-1852, which is a vulnerability within Windows XP and the mechanism for discovering other computers located on the network.  It means that a Windows XP machine can be compromised just by opening a list of networked computers. 

Free pictures for your blog

The pictures for this website are found at

Monday, 14 January 2013

New Photography Page

A new photography page has been added  - and can be found HERE or on the menu on the right

Thursday, 10 January 2013

Null Terminated String Copy

Research into a heap buffer overflow error in Windows XP version of NetApi32.dll reveals that the code is using a null terminated string copy.  The patched version of the same dll shows that the copy code has been replaced by a better function that checks the size of the destination buffer.

Saturday, 5 January 2013

It's all about trust

Before the days of social networking, hackers and malicious types had to rely on email to distribute their evilness.  They'd send an email with an infected attachment of something that looks interesting that are designed to tempt you in opening the file.  Things like "Cat does handstand on top of dog's head", "Naked Man with big tennis balls at Wimbledon"  or "Cute girl on Channel 4 Countdown spells rude word" - most people caught onto the fact that a lot of these unsolicited emails will most likely contain a virus meaning that the trust in email attachments has been lost and therefore the possibilities of attack via email becomes much less.

Moving into the 21st century and the overwhelmingly popularity of social networking sites, such as facebook and twitter, the malicious hacker is provided a whole new and far more powerful means of infecting hundreds, thousands or even millions of people - the reason is TRUST.

Friday, 4 January 2013

Where Does It Go?

So you're enjoying spending some time on Twitter and catching up on the latest trending topic when someone you've never heard of before sends you a shortened link - Do you click it?

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Google Poisoning

Google's Adwords Keyword finder says that the word "Google" has  a huge google search rate a month!

Another highly searched for term is "What is Google?"

Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Telephone Scam - Not Microsoft or Windows

If someone phones you up and says that they're from Microsoft or "Windows" and that there's a problem with your computer being infected by a virus,  just say "no thanks" and hang up.

Its not Microsoft or anything to do with Windows - they never phone people up at home out of the blue like this.

It's a scam!  

Some of the aims of the scam are:

  • Gain access to your computer to install viruses and other bad programs to monitor everything you do
  • Obtain banking information - credit card information
  • Charge you a lot of money for supposidly fixing this problem that doesn't exist