If it is used to transmit personal details, especially things like bank account details - even to a trusted friend or organisation - it is comparable to posting the same details on the side of a bus with a message saying "FREE MONEY HERE!"
The reason is that email is one of the earliest systems of the internet and
invented in a time where most people using the systems could be trusted and
therefore there is no security built into the underlying email system.
It means that anybody on a network on which your email uses
to reach its final destination can potentially read the contents of the message
without too much difficulty.
The important thing to realise about the internet is that it
is not like a normal telephone system.
When you use a normal landline to phone someone, there is a physical
connection (or circuit) between you and the person at the other end. However, the internet couldn’t work like this
(everything would grind to a halt if it did!)
The internet works on a packet switching method, whereby data is split
into individual packets and each packet makes their own independent way across
the internet.
This means that a large message can be split into multiple
packets and they can travel along different routes to each other. The reason is that it is possible to redirect
packets of information when a route stops functioning or becomes too busy. Something called TCP (Transport Control
Protocol) receives the individual packets and reconstitutes them back into the complete
message. The overall effect is that TCP provides the illusion of a direct
connection, similar to that of a telephone connection. It is also known as a
virtual circuit.
From a security perspective, this means that it is not
possible to guarantee the route that something will take and therefore it is
not possible to guarantee the security of the message. In other words, if the email, part of the
email, or any other data, should pass along a network of a corrupt company or organisation,
it is possible for it to be inspected and recorded for future analysis.
Simple Message Transfer Protocol or SMTP for short, is the
communication language (protocol) that the internet email system uses to send emails
from place to place and Wireshark is able to capture these information packets
and display the contents.
The next picture shows that even the message contents of an
email can be read
People often mistakenly believe that putting a private
message into an attachment will protect the contents from prying eyes. Sadly
this is not the case.
What can be confusing to understand is that attachments are “encoded”
but this does not provide any security.
Anybody who knows the algorithm that was used to “encode” an attachment
can use the same algorithm to “un-encode” and retrieve the original attachment.
Encryption is similar to encoding, except that the reversal
process of the encrypted message requires some form of key and it is not
possible to see the message without the key.
The reason for encoding attachments is that email was never
originally designed to transmit attachments.
The original email systems only used 7 bits of an 8 bit byte – the 8th
bit could be used as a form of error check, to ensure that the message had been
received correctly.
7 bits in binary provides the range of 0 to 127 and
therefore enough to represent everything needed for plain text emails. The problem however, is that files sent as attachments
use the full 8 bits. If the email system
tried sending an un-encoded jpg picture, the receiving email system would think
there has been a transmission problem as the 8th bit of each byte is part of the
data and would incorrectly signal a huge amount of errors.
The solution to the problem is to convert the binary
attachment into a format whereby the 8th bit is still used as an error
check. The downside of the encoding
systems is that they can increase the size of data being sent.
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